Hello. Goodbye. Hello.
Business is good.
And over the years it has grown, not so much by advertising, but by word of mouth. My incredible clients refer their friends who, not coincidentally, are also incredible.
Every now and then, however, a client leaves. Sometimes it’s for budgetary reasons. Sometimes they have more free time and may want to try doing their own containers (I love this!). Maybe they move. And let’s be honest, sometimes it’s just not the right fit.
A few years back a very dear client moved. I was very sad to see her go; I had worked extensively in her gardens and we had become friends. She was just a few towns away but decided to give her local landscaper a try. I wished her the best and really hoped our paths would cross again.
Just a few weeks ago I got an email:
“Dear Deborah, I don’t know where to begin except to say I miss you and am hopeful that you might consider doing some work for me.”
The client went on to say that she was moving back to her original town.
I am so excited to renew our relationship and grateful that, this time, “goodbye” was really only “see you later.”
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