Every End Is A Beginning
This quote seems especially appropriate during the month of May, with its many endings. This month my daughter graduated from college and while that chapter is over, a whole new world is beginning. One that may seem quite scary, but one she will navigate, I am sure, with grace as she does everything else.
This month marked the end of my bees. My hive made it through the winter but apparently the queen died. Without a queen there would be no new bees and their days were numbered. I was sad to close that chapter but happy to install a new package for another hive. It will be interesting to contrast the personalities of the two.
Even in the garden there are endings.
The heirloom plant that doesn’t come back is mourned but then replaced by one you had always wanted to try. The tree that needs to be removed means a new garden for sun lovers. And of course, the end to the drought means we can all breathe a sigh of relief – while still incorporating water-conserving practices into our gardening.
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